Per Lund

Per Lund is the CEO of Odfjell Oceanwind where he leads a team that will accelerate the energy transition by the use of Floating Offshore Wind Units. Before his current role he was the CTO and EVP for technology and sustainability in Odfjell Drilling. He holds a MSc in marine engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and has a wide background from the energy industry.
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Norway can still take global leadership in floating offshore wind

By Per Lund Oct 4, 2024

Picture: Europower

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Categories: Knowledge, Windpower, Floatingwind

Is Norway able to open the Kinder Egg of mobile offshore wind?

By Per Lund Dec 7, 2021

  • Oil and gas fields can to a large extent be electrified without power from shore
  • Significant emission reductions can be realised with impact already in 2024
  • This can lay the foundation for a large export industry based on offshore floating wind for Norway
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Categories: Knowledge

Why a MOWU is such a great idea

By Per Lund Jun 16, 2021

Mobile Offshore Wind Units are floating wind turbines that can move from location to location as and when there is a need for renewable power. They are ideally suited to provide power to oil and gas installations that require power for a limited period, typically until the production closes on that particular field. The Norwegian oil and gas industry has high ambitions and targets a cut in carbon emissions by 50% before 2030. There are principally four ways of delivering on the ambition:

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Categories: Knowledge

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